What We Do

Qudra 2 seeks to strengthen the resilience of refugees, returnees, internally displaced people (IDPs) and members of host communities in these countries through its work in four key components selected according to the needs of each respective country:

1. Education and protection,
2. Employment promotion and income generation,
3. Local governmental institutions and civil society organisations,
4. Social Cohesion/Stability as a cross-cutting component.

Component 1: Education and Protection

The main objective of Component 1 is to improve education, engagement and protection opportunities for children, youth and other marginalised groups.

Qudra 2 will support children and youth who find it difficult to access education to develop their potential, which will contribute to a secure, stable and prosperous future for the region. Qudra 2 will also have a special focus on improving the well-being of vulnerable, traumatised groups.

Promoting protection measures for the self-development and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults
Qudra 2 recognises the importance of handling psychological trauma professionally and works in cooperation with the Ministry of Health (MoH) to provide Iraqi health personnel with special training courses in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) to strengthen their knowledge and skills and enable them to support Iraqi returnees, IDPs, Syrian refugees and host communities.

Promoting improvements in facility management and the provision of transport to educational facilities, and supporting learning and exchange formats for children and youth
Structural barriers in Jordan’s educational system include children doing double shifts in schools, language barriers, vandalism, and the lack of secure and affordable school transport. Qudra 2 will target major challenges in the education sector and increase access to quality education services by developing an improved school transport system and a sustainable facility management system to enhance the learning environment for everyone.
Children and youth will be offered structured extracurricular sports and cultural activities to foster quality education and social cohesion.

Strengthening the local and national protection systems and service delivery capacities
Qudra 2 in Lebanon supports Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) at national, regional (district/ CASA) and local (SDCs) levels in the further development and implementation of the new National Strategic Plan for Child Protection (CP) and Gender Based Violence (GBV) aiming that girls, boys and women at risk and survivors of violence, exploitation and abuse have access to an improved and equitable prevention and response.

Promoting protection measures for the self-development and wellbeing of children and vulnerable adults
Qudra 2 will consolidate the protection/ CP activities implemented under Qudra 1 in the 8 selected SDCs and increase their outreach to enhance the resilience and wellbeing of vulnerable populations with focus on children and women, both Lebanese and Syrians, as well as will ensure protection of vulnerable individuals, especially people at risk of SGBV, persons with specific needs, disabled, youth, single mother, children and elderlies.

Component 2: Employment Promotion and Income Generation

Economic self-sufficiency is a principal concern amongst the target groups, and one of Qudra 2’s objectives is to enhance employment outcomes and incomes, particularly for youth and women.
At the same time, refugees often reside in communities that are already economically marginalised, with very high youth unemployment and very low female participation in the labour market.
Qudra 2 will focus on fostering employment and income generating opportunities to improve the socio-economic situation of refugees, IDPs and host communities.

Enhancing access to employment opportunities for the target groups and generating income opportunities for the most vulnerable
One of the main challenges facing Iraq is a lack of economic and employment opportunities, which has a particularly strong impact on displaced people and returnees. Qudra 2 is facilitating access to and the provision of economic opportunities through skills development for employment promotion and small business start-ups, especially for youth and women, and supports public and private actors through training to promote job opportunities.

This will strengthen resilience, increase self-sufficiency, and help to develop sustainable livelihoods.

Qudra 2 is planning a grant system to provide effective employment and income options such as training medium/small enterprises in entrepreneurship, business development and marketing. These activities will be coordinated with the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in Baghdad and Erbil.

Providing access to employment opportunities and skills development for semi-skilled workers
Qudra 2 will focus on employment promotion to increase the number of youth and adults who acquire demand-driven vocational and technical skills, and support them with improved access to employment opportunities. In this regard, Syrian refugees and vulnerable members of host communities will be supported in obtaining certification as skilled workers or craftsmen, and will also benefit from labour market services aimed at supporting and promoting effective job matching. As part of providing skills development, Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian youth will be enrolled in VET-WBL (Work-Based Learning) initiatives at the semi-skilled level, allowing them to gain hands-on experience in practical skills.

Component 3: Support to Local Governmental Institutions and Civil Society Organisations

The large influx of Syrian refugees and IDPs has increased the demand for basic services. Local government funding is often insufficient to meet the needs of the Syrian refugee and IDP populations within their service area. In this context, Qudra 2 provides funding for local governmental units to implement community support projects and will also support measures to strengthen the delivery capacities, accountability and ownership of both local governments and civil society actors.

Providing a grant scheme for participatory community support projects and strengthening capacities of governmental institutions & civil society actors
After a comprehensive analysis to establish priorities, community needs are addressed through small investment measures and quick impact projects (QIPs) to enhance the delivery of basic services and infrastructure and improve the living conditions of the target group.

As a guiding principle, target groups will play an active role in the assessment, planning and implementation of Qudra 2’s investment measures.

The programme will also strengthen the capacity of governmental institutions and local civil society organisations to constantly improve service delivery to the target groups according to their core mandates, which will increase resilience.

Providing a grant scheme for participatory community support projects and strengthening capacities of governmental institutions & civil society actors at organisational and individual levels
Qudra 2 will focus on service-related community support projects that directly address people’s needs and improve the living conditions of vulnerable Syrian and Jordanian members of the community. A participatory grant scheme will be established to provide funding for service-related community support projects that are proposed and initiated through partnerships between municipalities and civil society organisations. Municipalities with strong planning and management systems will be awarded direct funding, while grants to weaker municipalities will be linked to capacity development measures. Since civil society actors are both stakeholders and agents of change, they will be supported through trainings that include topics relating to social cohesion.

Providing a grant scheme for participatory and inclusive community support projects
Qudra 2 will provide small grants to at least 10 Turkish municipalities which host the largest number of refugees, who in some cases, account over 25% of the population. At least 100,000 individuals will directly benefit from improvements in basic services and infrastructure, which will contribute to enhanced living conditions and social cohesion amongst approximately five million community members. Inclusion as a guiding principle will ensure that refugees and host community representatives will be involved throughout the assessment, planning and implementation of these projects.

Strengthening exchange amongst and between local governmental units (LGUs) and other stakeholders
The programme will support exchange between local governmental units to foster peer to peer learning. Exchange with community members will ensure their inclusion in the planning and implementation of support projects. Best practices will be identified and shared between LGUs, civil society actors and academia. This exchange of experiences and innovations for improved service delivery will be shared at the provincial, national, cross-regional and even international level.

Strengthening the capacities of governmental organisations
Qudra 2 will provide tailored technical support to selected municipalities such as trainings in needs assessment, strategic and goal-oriented planning, the implementation of investment and the provision of services which will enhance the capacities of at least 250 local government officials and other community stakeholders.

Component 4: Cross-cutting: Social Cohesion

One of the challenges of the protracted displacement is how to foster community cohesion and mitigate rising social tensions between refugees, IDPs, returnees and host communities, especially in urban contexts. Qudra 2 supports activities to promote dialogue by providing safe spaces for exchange and innovation that involve diverse groups of stakeholders and participants. The programme’s target groups and other stakeholders will be engaged in dialogue tables, exchange formats and working group sessions to enhance community cohesion, to build the future of Syria.

Accurate information will be produced and disseminated to the target audience through outreach programs, information campaigns, and/or awareness-raising sessions.

Promoting social cohesion and mitigating the rising social tensions among target groups is one of Qudra 2’s strategic guiding principles. Qudra 2 will directly address this challenge by facilitating dialogue and providing safe spaces where open exchange between groups of stakeholders and participants will promote community cohesion.

Qudra will give special attention throughout the programme to children, youth, women and other highly vulnerable population groups, such as the elderly and the disabled.