Support to local governments

The large influx of Syrian refugees and IDPs has increased the demand for basic services. Local government funding is often insufficient to meet the needs of the Syrian refugee and IDP populations within their service area. In this context, Qudra 2 provides funding for local governmental units to implement community support projects and will also support measures to strengthen the delivery capacities, accountability and ownership of both local governments and civil society actors.


Providing a grant scheme for participatory community support projects and strengthening capacities of governmental institutions & civil society actors

After a comprehensive analysis to establish priorities, community needs are addressed through small investment measures and quick impact projects (QIPs) to enhance the delivery of basic services and infrastructure and improve the living conditions of the target group. 

As a guiding principle, target groups will play an active role in the assessment, planning and implementation of Qudra 2’s investment measures.

The programme will also strengthen the capacity of governmental institutions and local civil society organisations to constantly improve service delivery to the target groups according to their core mandates, which will increase resilience.


Providing a grant scheme for participatory community support projects and strengthening capacities of governmental institutions & civil society actors at organisational and individual levels

Qudra 2 will focus on service-related community support projects that directly address people’s needs and improve the living conditions of vulnerable Syrian and Jordanian members of the community. A participatory grant scheme will be established to provide funding for service-related community support projects that are proposed and initiated through partnerships between municipalities and civil society organisations. Municipalities with strong planning and management systems will be awarded direct funding, while grants to weaker municipalities will be linked to capacity development measures. Since civil society actors are both stakeholders and agents of change, they will be supported through trainings that include topics relating to social cohesion.


Providing a grant scheme for participatory and inclusive community support projects

Qudra 2 will provide small grants to at least 10 Turkish municipalities which host the largest number of refugees, who in some cases, account over 25% of the population. At least 100,000 individuals will directly benefit from imrpovements in basic services and infrastructure, whihc will contribute to enhanced living conditions and social cohesion amongst approxiamately five million community members. Inclusion as a guiding principle will ensure that refugees and host community representatives will be involved throughout the assessment, planning and implementation of these projects. 

Strengthening exchange amongst and between local govermental units (LGUs) and other stakeholders

The programme will support exchange between local governmental units to foster peer to peer learning. Exchange with community members will ensure their inclusion in the planning and implementation of support projects. Best practices will be identified and shared between LGUs, civil society actors and academia. This exchange of experiences and innovations for improved service delivery will be shared at the provincial, national, cross-regional and even international level. 

Strengthening the capacities of governmental organisations

Qudra 2 will provide tailored technical support to selected municipalities such as trainings in needs assessment, strategic and goal-oriented planning, the implementation of investment and the provsion of services which will enhance the capacities of at least 250 local government officials and other community stakeholders.